Glimpse 360° 3D Short Film
• 4-star rating
• Animation, Short Films
• Comfortable, Stationary
Glimpse is a narrative-driven virtual reality experience from Academy Award winner Benjamin Cleary and VR creator Michael O'Connor. Starring Taron Egerton and Lucy Boynton, the emotional story charts the course of a young couple in a romantic relationship. The 25 minute animated production feels more like a theatrical experience than a cinema presentation, and uses the unique medium of virtual reality very well to illustrate and and frame the performances.
We found this to be mostly hands-off experience. Though described as an interactive story "that's up to you to decide", we didn't notice any inflection points that we could influence, and the few interactive sections we found were cursory movements to keep the story moving along. That's fine for us however, as we question the need for viewers to be able to change an outcome when things are already in the hands of a great storyteller.
We'd rate Glimpse as PG for occasional strong language and though the characters are animated animals, the themes of the story likely make this unappealing to a pre-teen audience. People with mobility issues may struggle as there is no snap-turning available and sometimes a scene will unfold that requires the viewer to be able to look behind them. A pause button would have been helpful too.
There is a trailer available for Glimpse, but since it reveals far too much of the story and the production we recommend avoiding it. Also despite how great we think this is, at $8.99 we'd definitely think twice before purchasing, but thankfully Glimpse is available as part of the monthly Viveport Infinity subscription plan.

✅ Great emotional story.
✅ Uses VR to great effect.
❌ Limited interactive opportunities.
❌ No snap-turning.
• Languages: English, French (subtitled)
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